Manage Users and Databases

Creating Users and Databases

It’s possible to create additional databases and users right in the specification for the MariaDB instance.

If only a username is provided, a database with the same name will be provisioned automatically. If a user needs access to another user’s database, it can be specified by the database field.

Example MariaDB instance with users
kind: VSHNMariaDB
  name: pgsql-app1-prod
  namespace: prod-app
        - user: app1 (1)
        - user: app2
          database: app1 (2)
        - user: app3
          database: app1
            - SELECT (3)
        - user: app4
          writeConnectionSecretToRef: (4)
            name: my-secret
            namespace: app4
    name: postgres-creds
1 Create a user and a database called app1, the user gets all privileges for the database
2 Create a user app2 and giving it all privileges to database app1
3 Create a user app3 and giving it select privileges on database app1
4 Write the connection secret to another namespace. If you want to connect from another namespace, please make sure that you configure the allowed namespaces accordingly.

Please see the official MariaDB docs for all available privileges. Only Grants applicable to databases are supported.

Deleting User and Databases

To remove a user and its database, you need to remove it from the access array in the instance.

A user or database will be removed from the instance, if there are no more references in the access array.

Example Deleting Users and Databases
kind: VSHNMariaDB
  name: pgsql-app1-prod
  namespace: prod-app
        - user: app1 (1)
        - user: app2
          database: app1 (2)
        - user: app3 (3)
    name: postgres-creds
1 Removing this entry would remove the app1 user and the grant giving it access to the app1 database. It will not remove the database, as it’s still referenced by user app2.
2 Removing this entry would remove the user app2 and the grants giving access to database app1. It will not remove the database app1, as it’s still referenced by user app1
3 Removing this entry will remove the user app3 and its database.
Non-reversible operation

If you remove a user completely from the array, the user and the database will be removed from the instance!